Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Obama on Letterman

Freaking hysterical. The man repeats the same mantra (lies) over and over and just hopes that somebody believes him. He uses the term John McCain's 'failed policies.' He is blaming McCain/Bush for foreclosure rates, health care coverage, etc, etc. Guess what? The Dems have been in power of the Legislative branch for a few years now, and they haven't passed a meaningful law yet regarding any of these critical issues that we as citizens are facing. I can't believe no one is talking about that. And if I hear that it will be 8 more years of the same thing one more time I will vomit on my tv.

He just said that the government creates jobs, that the government stimulates the economy. This is the fundamental problem I have with liberals. We are not a great nation because of our government. To quote Ronald Reagan, "government is not a solution to our problem, government is our problem." We have succeeded in leading the free world because our citizens have established a free market system that works!! It has ups and downs, but that is a natural force of economics and nature. Our big government philosophy seeks to keep things always great for everybody (sound a bit like socialism, anyone?) which is IMPOSSIBLE. Its an ebb and flow, and we will right the ship through hard work and effort, not through higher taxes and government programs.

And David Letterman could be a fifth grader tonight with these questions. He should just ask if he can get Obama a drink and leave stage right. I don't think it is possible to tee up more softball questions than I have seen tonight.

1 comment:

One Krazy Momma said...

I can't stand Letterman. His "Jokes" are horrible. He keeps up with the same jokes about McCain's age and how he should have retired years ago. Political jokes aside,in my opinion Letterman should have retired before he forgot how to be funny.