Monday, May 5, 2008

I love animals, but...

are you serious about this? Going through the AJC online this morning, and came across this gem of a story.

For those of you too busy to click the link, PETA wants the jockey of the euthanized Kentucky Derby Runner Up, Eight Belles, to be suspended and have the $400,000 prize money revoked. They say that, and I quote, the horse was 'doubtlessly injured before the finish'. Really? Was a PETA psycho actually on the horse? Or wait, maybe they can read the horse's thoughts and sensed pain in those ankles. Either way, these guys are obviously way more intelligent than us mere mortals. I can't even tell what my dog is thinking. Actually that's a lie. He is thinking how much more he likes Summer than me, but that is another story.

These PETA clowns are a disgrace. Some of their causes may be worthy, but just like with the Democrat party, they have been hijacked by fools and nutjobs. This is a horse race. Been here for longer than your stupid organization. Will be around after PETA goes the way of the garbage can, I mean recycling bin. It sucks that a horse died, but we'll all go on just the same. It was an accident, and accidents happen.


Ryan said...

I for one love horses. They are delicious! I hate those Peta pamplets they hand out. Every time I see one I can't eat chicken for a few days.

sara jackson said...

Josh this is one of the FUNNIEST blogs I have read in a long time.