Friday, November 16, 2007

Ho, Ho, Ho

Evidently, that phrase will no longer be appropriate for all of the Santas throughout the malls of Australia. It has been determined by a group of "experts" that this phrase could frighten kids and insult women..... ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS????? I am so sick of the political correctness that overwhelms us today. Luckily in this case, the wily old Santas are telling their recruitment firm to shove off, and it seems that the public agrees. Here is a link to the article.,23599,22761386-2,00.html

You see, this is just a little symptom of a much bigger problem. We are now expected not to offend anyone, ever. Christmas lights? They might offend Muslims. or Jews. or Atheists. or Buddhists. Guess what? I don't care. One of the greatest aspects of this country is our ability to stand independently for what we believe INDEPENDENTLY. I don't need some moron telling me that I should be offended by a menorah because I am a Christian. This is all part of the 'groupthink' idea, that we should not be individuals that stand out differently, but we should all be the same. Everyone is not equal, and this differentiation is why our culture has been so strong for so long.

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