Saturday, February 11, 2012

He's baaack

Hello ladies and gentlemen... I mean lady and gentleman. My alter ego and blog writer, Stewie, called it quits last year on the posts.  Although I will miss him, I think I can handle the job from here...  I have been sitting on my hands stewing (no pun intended) for too long about some of today's hot topics. So I am back.

I plan on putting up at least a post per week for the foreseeable future. As those of you who know me can attest, I have a lot to say. Hopefully I can provide some unique and entertaining insights into topics and policies that have impact on our everyday lives. This election year should prove to be good for the posts, as we are in the midst of so many important decisions being made.  Whether you agree or disagree, please leave comments and if you see fit, pass this blog address on to those who may have an interest. Just click 'Follow' at the top of the page.

One request: I would love to have some new readers of this blog who will disagree with me.

Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy it, hate it, whatever... My desire is to make you think.

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