Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Watch Out

I was listening to some talk radio yesterday and heard a few soundbites from a press conference Obama gave the other day. He was talking about a number of things, most notably the Tea Party movement and its hoards of followers. Little did I know, but the core of the Tea Party movement is a bunch of Americans who only care about Obama's birth certificate and the idea that he is a socialist. These 'birthers' seem to run things on the conservative side of the fence... at least according to the White House.

It's simply a bait and switch tactic to get mainstream America to believe that those of us on the conservative side of the aisle are racist pigs who are convinced that Obama wasn't born in Hawaii like he claims. I have news for you Mr. President, I don't care about that. Neither do 99% of his constituents in the USA. His tactic to characterize those of us that are fed up with out of control looting and spending falls on deaf ears... at least to those with half a brain or more. He and his staff know that if this conservative uprising can be classified as radical and hate-filled, then it can be thrown off course as fast as it got started. What scares me are those idiots on our side of the fence that will make statements and act in ways that prove the Prez to be right. And then the media will have a field day stereotyping anyone of us who opposes this unsustainable agenda as radical racists... and it could work for them.

Its important that those of us who do speak out on the issues do so based on fact. The great news is that logical decision-making is what conservatives do best. We rely on cognitive ability to make decisions on what we do, who we support, and how we view our world. Get into a discussion with a real conservative and reason overpowers emotion. That's the problem with the left in this country. Very rarely can they make a logical argument to support their cause. They rely on the emotional context of an argument to carry them through.

This health care and economic stimulus plan are perfect examples. As a conservative, I cannot support Obama or the left's plans because they are unsustainable, over-reaching, and they hinder the real growth this country needs. "But people need health care" they'll say. "People need jobs" I've heard again and again. And on the surface, I agree. In that they are correct. But Pelosi and crew have let the emotions of the day fester and instead of enabling the private citizens and producers of this country once again put the economy on their backs, they create programs that over time will have negative impact on the country as a whole. All because it 'feels good' to help someone. The problem is all they are doing is enabling Americans to sit on their asses, do nothing, and loot from those of us who achieve.

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