Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pay For Performance Bill... yeah right

Take a few minutes and watch this clip of Neil Cavuto from Fox News interviewing the chief sponsor of the Pay for Performance piece of junk. Its amazing how futile arguing with a liberal is. By the way, for those of you in Florida, this man represents a district in your state....

Perusing the news this morning, I came across this little morsel of goodness that we call the Federal Government at its finest. More specifically, our wonderful Congressmen (and Congresswomen, in the name of political correctness) have decided that the American people have empowered them with the right to set limits on compensation for companies receiving taxpayer funding. At first glance, many folks might believe this to be a good thing. But I beg you please to think again. Does anyone that has any desire for personal success want Congress to set pay limits for what we can do? Its fundamentally wrong and goes against all notions of pay for performance (which ironically, is the name of the bill. I guess its Opposite Day), as artificial ceilings on comp do not aid in growth. Who in their right mind would take a job at one of these companies? Quick hint: someone who already works in the most inefficient bureaucracy around.... if you don't know the answer, you haven't been reading this blog. These companies will fail or need even more government intervention to survive because they won't have the best people in place to make it work. And the best people should be compensated the best. Not only that, but the bill sets no standard for excessive pay, as that will be left up to the Treasury Secretary. Are you freaking serious?!! Tim Geithner will be setting pay levels? The man who cheated on his own taxes, who now heads the IRS, who would be open to a world currency that would supplant the dollar and thereby weaken the United States, who formerly headed the FED Reserve New York last year and helped lead the way of this bailout process, etc, etc, etc, this man to set pay for private sector employees? I'm embarassed for any congressperson (I am so politically correct) that think we our dumb enough to think this is good for our country.


ma said...

I saw Neil yesterday. It would be frightening if I did not believe God is in control. LOVE YOU ma

Luke said...

You are being very rude! Awkward!

Ryan said...

What ever happen to "smart" congressmen. This guy looks like he probably spends his free time at the dog tracks or internet chat rooms. What a booger eater.