Well Happy April Fool's Day to all of you readers out there, or both of you, whatever. I throw this out there to say that what follows is true, not a joke or prank for this fine worldwide holiday. As crazy as it seems, it is real. I don't claim that these people make any sense whatsoever, or that they are being truthful with themselves, but the stories are true nonetheless.
The G-20 Summit is set to meet in London tomorrow to discuss the world's financial crisis and figure out a way for our corrupt and inept governments to solve the problem that they in large part created. Should be interesting to hear how these "leaders" plan to get us
back on the track to prosperity.... wait, that is an incorrect statement. Let's rephrase and say... these "leaders" plan to get us
on track to complete dependence on government and forget freedom and prosperity. Now that is more like it. With all of these leaders in one place, they make an easy target for protesters from around the globe. According to an AP report, the protest group is filled with "over 4,000 anarchists, anti-capitalists, environmentalists, and others." Read it here (
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090401/ap_on_re_eu/g20_protests), or just take my word for it. I can't help but laugh to think that anarchists and anti-capitalists are protesting side by side, because they are polar opposites and probably don't even know it. It seems that all of these activists want to blame the financial services markets and the "greed" of capitalists for the problems we face. What they don't realize is that their governments are the issue, yet they want their governments to control prosperity, so its "fair". Bogus. If these clowns could think through a logical argument instead of throwing tomatoes at banks then they would realize that their prosperity and livelihood is at stake, just not in the way they think. But then again, these are emotionally-driven reactors that wouldn't know how to take real initiative if their life depended on it, which, ironically, it does.
So I'll wait with baited breath to see what these protesters do next, or not. I also look forward to hearing what comes out of the actual meetings tomorrow, or not. Pardon my cynicism today, it must be the fact that I wish this was all just a cruel April Fool's Day joke, but we really are heading straight to the toilet. We have mass hysteria about bankers making profits, we want greater government intervention to make things fair for those who are too lazy, weak, or unmotivated to get ahead in life, and we have world leaders getting together to plot just how to create more dependence on the power centralized in our capitals. Its disgusting yet true, and those of us who actually take initiative to reach our own prosperity are the ones who will be footing the bill for this nonsense. Profit is bad, fairness is good. Individualism and self-reliance have been replaced with collectivism and entitlements. We must no longer think for and of ourselves, because that inflicts damage on others that won't suck it up and go make it on their own. In the name of fairness, let's all concede our liberties and freedom to that monster that is taking more of it each and every day.
Speaking of taking, Tax Day is rapidly approaching. I for one can't wait to give Tim Geithner (who didn't pay his taxes, FYI) and his IRS crew my hard earned dough. But that story will wait for another day.