Sunday, March 8, 2009


Listening to Herman Cain filling in for Neal Boortz this past Friday, and I wanted to share a nice little story about the conversation he had with a caller. A man called in and asked why guys like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have not come out freaking out about Obama's tax plans for those earning over $250,000 a year. He said that if these guys are not moaning and groaning about having to pay more in taxes, then why is everybody freaking out about this little thing called 'redistribution of wealth?' The great thing is, this guy asks this question without any hint of sarcasm. He really believed that there was nothing wrong with his belief?

Luckily, Mr. Cain was on top of his game as usual, and proceeded to explain to the guy the ramifications of taxing our top producers beyond the current %'s. He mentioned that over 40% of Americans earning over 250k are run small businesses. They are not actors, athletes, or entertainers. They are the men and women that create jobs for the rest of us, and produce the goods and services that we use on a daily basis. I'd like to find someone that supports this tax policy to debate the merits of our tax system and how it works. I cannot find any logic whatsoever behind the new policies. We are heading even closer towards a system that completely spits in the face of individualism and success and rewards those who accomplish nothing. And the saddest irony of the situation is that these bottom-feeders that expect our taxpayers to fork over even more of our hard-earned income cannot understand the consequences of the proposed tax policies. We have crippled those even further who need opportunity rather than a handout. Keep 'em on the government dole, and keep 'em in the voting booths.

Let's create a system that rewards achievement and presents greater opportunity for more of us to get our share of the pie by EARNING IT. Let's support policies that promote economic growth through sustainable growth. Let's build our economy in a way that those who are 'underachievers' have the chance to get in the game through hard work and education, rather than through entitlements and stealing through excessive taxation from those who have done their part. Keep this up and we aren't going to have any achievers left to take from.


Summer said...

You are so smart!

Summer said...

I love your passion!

Matthew, Ashley, Jr. Colton and Tinsley Hutson said...

i love reading your blogs.i learn so much from you! thanks! should be a writer or something!

Luke said...

PLEASE blog more often!! I have fallen off in liberal hell! I need the news!