Friday, November 16, 2007

Glavine a Brave again?

Word on the street here is that today the Braves offered Glavine a $7 mil, one year offer today, and it looks as if Glavine's agent counterproposed something acceptable. Could have him introduced in his old braves uni on Monday. As a lifelong Braves fan, I'm cautiously excited. He fell off towards the end of the year this past year, but the guy logged over 200 innings and won 13 ball games... that's more than all of the Braves pitchers from last year not named Hudson or Smoltz. Great top 3 if this happens for '08. Add in Chuck James and Reyes to close out the starting 5, and we have a group that should all help alleviate the bullpen woes by keeping them out of the game until the 7-9th innings. And I have yet to mention Mike Hampton.

I'm watching a standup routine right now of Frank Caliendo live from Vegas. I can't stop laughing. I'll plug his show FrankTV, which starts Tuesday night at11 on TBS. Definitely my favorite comedian on the air right now.

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