About this time next week, we will be watching the early returns coming in from the east coast states on every channel on the dial. I will be sitting on the couch, hopefully ready to celebrate a critical victory on our country's path to fiscal responsibility and real economic growth. For those of you who are undecided (and at this point, I have no comprehension of how that is possible), I decided to make a little checklist of some of the issues and my guidelines on how you should vote.
If you believe it is the role of the government to 'create' jobs (paid for by taxing others or increased borrowing, aka adding to the debt/deficit), vote for Obama. If you believe that jobs are created by market forces like demand, and that private business will efficiently create jobs that add value to the economy, vote for Romney.
If the words 'debt' and 'deficit' don't make your skin crawl, stick with the current regime. Otherwise, vote him out.
If you are not worried about how this debt will affect your kids and grandkids, Obama is your man. And good luck with that when you are 80 and need their help, because they aren't going to have much disposable income to spend on you.
If you believe 'free' health care (and I use the quotes because NOTHING is free) is an inalienable right, vote for the sitting president. If you believe it is the responsibility of the individual to take ownership of their health care and it is not a right like life and liberty, vote Romney. For those of you on Obama's side here, just beware of what you want in his plan versus the reality of how it will impact the economy. Nothing like having great health care that kills our way of life.
If you support appeasement of our enemies, and believe that our country's designed structure is no better than any other, by all means, support our president. If you believe what Romney has said on the campaign trail and in the debates about the greatness of America and agree with his unapologetic toughness towards our enemies, vote Romney.
Lastly, if you don't think you can succeed on your own, vote for the incumbent. I'm sure his second term will be chock-full of entitlements that we will never pay down. It might be nice though, if he actually would tell us what his second term agenda will be... seems kind of important to me. If you want to blaze your own trail, and succeed OR fail by your own accord, vote Romney.
You have seven days left to decide.... good luck.