Thursday, June 28, 2012

Take that, Constitution!!

Chief Justice John Roberts and President Obama
Today was a landmark day in this country, as our Supreme Court ruled that the Affordable Care Act (ACA, ObamaCare) is constitutional... Huh?  I, like most rational thinkers, was baffled when I heard the news this morning.  How could a conservative-leaning court make such a joke out of our founding documents?  Well, I decided I wanted to know.  I need to understand ACA and what it means to me.  So I started reading the bill.... and reading... and reading.  Then I realized it was 27x longer than the longest book I have ever read (Atlas Shrugged, by the way, at 1,100 pages and well worth the read).  So, I am going to take some time over the coming weeks to research the law, research the judicial decision-making that went in to SCOTUS's decision today, and provide my commentary on what it means to all of us "working people". 

For now, I am just dismayed.  But, for the first time in a long time, I felt a passion in me for this nation that has been dormant.  I got so jaded watching debates, listening to the pundits, and watching all of the candidates bash each other that my interest just fell by the wayside.  It was a cesspool into which I did want to wade.  But, we as a people have NO CHOICE BUT TO DO SO.  I am sick of the apathy, mine included, that has allowed us to be duped into giving away liberty after liberty without even blinking an eye.

This issue is so embedded into our ability to prosper as a nation that we need to understand its ramifications.  We as citizens need to know what it is going to cost us directly, and how it will impact our economy and therefore our way of life.  So, stay tuned for some statistics, commentary, informative links, and, of course, my opinion.